Managed Print Services (TBD)
Print supplies and maintenance account for a whopping 90-95% of the total cost of Printer/fax ownership. This is where the real savings can be made.
What is a ‘managed print service’ (MPS)?
The managed print definition is broad, but the end result is simple: gaining visibility and control of your printing, which helps you save money and boost productivity. Managed print also helps you improve environmental sustainability and document security.
What We Offer
Pay Per Copy
We use a pay per copy system that will reduce your costs significantly and also increase your productivity. In addition, we go further in reducing costs than other providers. Toner is one of the most costly aspects of printing, with colour toner said to be more expensive than the finest champagne.
Intelligent Billing
We use an ‘Intelligent Billing’ system that automatically calculates the colour toner you use to produce each page and varies the billing accordingly. Instead of being charged per page for colour print, our system analyses how much colour was actually utilised in a particular colour print and applies discount where lesser amounts of colour toner were used.
It makes sense that there should be a difference in cost between a colour print that uses only 5% colour on the page and a colour print that uses over 80% colour on the page.The difference in cost can amount to substantial savings for you.
DataTrust Managed Print Services Free Print Audit
We can carry out a Free Print Audit of your current printing set up, in order to determine what you are paying for print at the moment. We can then advise you on the amount of savings you can make, if you choose to engage DataTrust, to manage your print services for you.
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